In the paper by Julie Beck she covers many thought provoking ideas presenting different details about life and stories. Many of these ideas were very relatable and after reading I would agree to myself about what I had just processed. One of these moments was it said “Ultimately, the only material we’ve ever had to make stories out of is our own imagination,and life itself.” and how is storytelling “is a way of making sense of the world around us. I thought this was very powerful because the storytelling essentially revolves around every individuals personal feelings and experiences. No way can tell you how to write your own story of “life” without the direct compliance from the storyteller. I also found it interesting when talking about human communications and questioning the life story and psychological thinking behind it. In this paragraph it talked about how it would be an “impossible question to address from a scientific approach”. Previously I have also thought about similar instances like this and I really agreed with the thoughts that not everything can be explained through science and boiled down to a direct equation. Life simile is not that easy and down to a tee in reality. A few times during my annotation I came across some confusing idea and details that I didn’t quite understand. I understood most of the topics connecting back to the main points coming across but some still left some questions marks. One of these question marks was talking about the mode of human cognition and how it related to a narrative mode. During this topic Jonathan Alder claimed “sometimes in cases of extreme autism, people construct a narrative structure for their lives.” I kind of understand the general direction this was heading but couldn’t quite grasp a full understanding which may have been helpful to the overall piece. In all though I acquired a deep understanding of the piece and connected well with the author and their thoughts.
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