The connection between science and the arts is undeniable, for a functioning reality that why can make some sort of understanding out of both science and art must be p[resnet. With the vast knowledge and advances we have made in technology some things may never be explained through hard facts or equations. In The Future of Science… is Art? Jonah Lehrer states “In many instances, the opposite has happened, so that our most fundamental sciences are bracketed by utter mystery. It’s not that we don’t have all the answers. Its that we don’t even know the question.” With the ideology of science seemingly not having the complete answer for everything, the only, while ironic… logical thing is the balance of art and imaginative thinking to fill in the blanks that science cannot. While the science of everything may eventually be explained, the current conception of the rest of our universe and existence is in the hands of art and freethinking. 


While scientists and most artists in many instances are always looked as polar opposites the connection between them may be closer than ever actually thought about before. Many understand the intricacies and thought provoking thinking scientists undergo every day but many don’t realize the very similar thought process that artists paths are lead on during their work. Jonah Lehrer in The Future of Science… is Art? Says “Artists are in some sense neurologists, studying the brain with techniques that are unique to them.” The connection between art and science has never been more clear even with all the innovation and advances in science we have made. In an essay by Yo-yo Ma, he establishes  a connection saying “ The values behind arts integration- collaboration, flexible thinking, and disciplined imagination- lead to the capacity to innovate” Both these writers understand the values in the connection between arts and sciences and how in reality they are closer in understanding than it may seem.