In my final project I wrote about the connection between the arts and science, as to how that relates to the very controversial issue of compensation for college athletes. In this essay I explained many of the issues stemming from college getting no compensation from the colleges or universities they are apart of. While this overall issue is very widely known, the specifics of the numbers relating to these schools and individual violations from now high profile athletes are not nearly as know. I used this information as support in favor of the issue of compensation for college athletes which in turn connected back to the relationship between the arts and sciences with respect to “development of society”. For example, I used the quote stated, “The NCAA suspended University of Georgia wide receiver A. J. Green for four games and ordered him to pay $1,000 to charity for selling a signed jersey. Critics of the decision noted that the school made significant profits selling twenty-two different types of replicas of Green’s jerseys (Gale).” Using this quote and integrating it into my argument that athletes are taken advantage gave context to some of the individual issues these college athletes face and allow the reader to take a position on how they view these kind of issues. While this quote as part of my final essay was thought out and integrated at a high level earlier in the year that was not always the case. I my first attempts at including quotes it was very forced into my paper. I gave no context to support my addition of the quote and it did not really add to my ideas as it connected to my main topic. Through work in class and in my essays especially my introduction of my quote in context gave my paper a stronger argument.    

Rough Draft

Final Draft